On this page several researchprojects are mentioned that are going on at the moment. To several areas research is done, for example to sanctuaries like churches, cathedrals, dolmens, menhirs, and tree-sanctuaries, and also to energies inside cropcircles. You can do research by yourself as well.
· "Project Cropcircle Energy" (PCE-project) (started in 2003, expected to end in 2007)
With this project we want to find out what energies are used in a cropcircle. Leylines are often mentioned, but are these paths of energy so important? Are there also other energies that matter for the working of a cropcircle? And the most important question for our research: What is the working and influence of a cropcircle in the landscape and for the place where the cropcircle lies? With this project we want to get more understanding about the reason why (what function) and the ways of the come into existence of cropcircles.
· "Project Energies and sanctuaries" (started in 2004, expected to end in 2007)
Several regional groups in the Netherlands and Belgium each do their own research to sanctuaries in their own region. In several periods the people kept attention for the leylines, watercourses, and other energies, with the positioning and building. By carrying out research to several sanctuaries we try to get a clear image of the energies the used inside a sanctuary, the working of these energies and what knowledge the put into their sanctuaries. We try to create a clear picture of what kind of sanctuaries there have been in the Low Lands.
· Research by yourself
You can do research by yourself too by using a dowsing-rod, other instrument, or the paranormal gift / inner senses you have. You can try to find the energies that are on the page Leylines. You can also try to measure the some qualities of leylines and leycentres (other energylines and energycentres as well). Also the energies with churches, burial mounds, and dolmens can be perceived too. For people who want to do research specifically, a standard questionlist has been put together for research on location.
Below you can download the standard list of questions for on location in word. Handy with research on location!
Standard list of questions for the study of a place with a Christian or heathen sacred site
In many cases nothing is left of a heathen sacred site. Many places have been christianized and often a church or cathedral has been put instead. Below are a few questions that can be used as base with dowsing a sacred site.
1. Where are the strongest leycentres? (tower /altar / both / elsewhere) (centre: + / - / 0 à how?) (double centre)
2. Where did they begin with the first sacred site or special place? (mostly on the leycentre) Is this the first sacred site or is it resituated? How many sacred sites have been there?
3. What kind of sanctuary (or special place) has been here? (could be several)
4. Which people? (several people could have used the same sanctuary)
5. When was the sanctuary built, and in what period was it used?
6. What is or was the shape of the sanctuary and from what is it made? (trees / stones / stone-building / ground...)
7. To what was the sacred site dedicated? (general / Thor / Freija / Nehalennia...)
8. What was the purpose of the sanctuary? (specific moment?) (worship / sacrifice / bury / pray / lay down / fertility / birth / rebirth / death / court / gallows-tree / meeting / induction / inaugurate / initiate...)
Offer up: fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereal, herbs, meat, fish, flowers, living animals (fowl/mammals/fish), coins, nails, small rags, humans...
9. Where was the sanctuary situated? (at a road / in forest / village / city / in castellum...)
10. Was there anything around the sanctuary? (trench / defensive wall / wooden stakes / stones / magic circle...)
11. Was there anything towards the sanctuary? (path / road / ... à on this a leyline?)
12. Can you found the foundations?
13. Can you found the altar, and possible with a magic circle around it?
14. In what way did they use leylines (or other energylines/energies) in the sanctuary?
15. How has the sacred site been chosen (separate for each sanctuary)? (combination?)
-With other instrument (like the staff)
-Other animals
-Healing source or well
-Old sacred or special place
-Feeling / clairvoyance / seeing something
-Natural sanctuary / very large tree
-The unconscious gift to choose the site
-Heathen sanctuary or special place
-Dowser with rod
-New church on place of old church
-Heights in the landscape (natural hills or mountains, or unnatural: a knoll)
16. Which specific person used the sacred site? (m/f + individual/gathering + everyone / druid / ritualmaster / shaman / herbs-woman/ priest...)
17. Does the sacred site work in combination with other sacred sites in the surrounding area? (m/f + for example on a alignment or a constellation of stars)
18. Is the sacred site used as place of cultus? (which: fire, earth, water, air, metal, wood)
Heathen sacred sites and special places: Sacred wood, group of trees, circle of trees, sacred tree, fever- or cloth-tree, nail-tree, border-tree, meeting-tree, child-tree, source, well (child-well / devil-well), rocks and stones (as sacrifice-stone?), ring wall fortresses, sacred hills, table hill, spiral hill, gallows hill, devils hill, easter hill, inauguration-place, meeting-place, white-ladies-hole, witches-place, sacrifice-place, circle of wooden stakes or stones, free stone or group of stones, geogliefs.
Christian sacred sites: Chapel, church, cathedral, basilica, 'room'-church, hall church, cruciform church, abbey, deathroads & coprsroads. Further on something like a defensive bank/defensive wall does exist too.
What is measurable with leylines & energylines and leycentres & energycentres?
With the detection of leylines or centres (or other energylines/centres) a couple of things can be measured. With the measuring of points or lines, the emanation or the measurement can be determined. Below that is written what is measurably in a church and chapel, burial mound, and dolmen.
· Width of a line; this varies for each line and where on this line the width is measured
· Emanation of a line; till how far from the line the energy is present
· Number of sublines of a line; from how many small sublines exist an energyline, stronger = more sublines?
· Nature/character of a line; is a line positive, negative or neutral, and is a line male or female
· Direction of a line; in which direction the energy of the line is flowing to
· Midpoint of the core; from this point in the core of the leycentre you are able to orient
· Shape of the centre; an energycentre (core) is almost circular shaped
· Emanation of the centre; till how far from the centre the energy is perceptible or measurable
· Number of lines through the centre; how many energylines cross the centre
· Nature/character of the centre; is a centre positive, negative or neutral, and is a centre male or female
The location of a leycentre has often, but not always, a spiral too. This spiral can turn anticlockwise and clockwise, and upwards and downwards. A spiral has fieldlines, this is the number how many times a spiral turns around its centre. It also does exist that two leycentres overlap each other for a part, this is called a double-centre. Some leycentres have a long history, for example a place that is used by the Celts, and/or did have a stone or wooden sanctuary.
What is measurable at a site of cathedrals & churches & chapels?
When a location of a chapel, church or cathedral (these 3 further called "church") are visited, the following things are always present when a church has been built before 1350. At first you can ask if there has been an older church under the current building. The new church often has been built on an older, and often smaller, church. The original foundation are locatable by using a dowsing-rod or comparable instrument. Also notice if any atmosphere is there, and ask why it is there, what did it cause?
- At first you can measure the heartline of a church. A heartline is a leyline that runs in the middle through the church lengthwise, se the picture below. The heartline is mostly the strongest leyline that runs through the church. When it isn't the strongest leyline, the situation probably changed. The strong leyline did become weaker and/or a weaker leyline became stronger. In the picture below the heartline is shown that runs through this church.
- The next part is the leycentre or leycentres. The strongest leycentre is mostly at the place of the tower and the altar. With chapels it often happens that the little tower on the roof (if present) is on the leycentre. The leycentre can be marked with a stone in the floor too. When neither the tower or altar (or sculpture) lies on the leycentre, you should consider that the church or altar has been replaced with for example a restoration.
- With a investigation you can also try to find a watervein under the ground. This watervein often runs on the place where you have to kneel for the altar, where people get their host, or where people kneel for a statue. Mostly, the watervein is under the gangway between the pews of the first row. At such a place where a watervein lies, people do often feel a heavy energy in their lower leg, that gives people the feeling having to kneel. These places often have been chosen with conscious for this.
- The altar often has a magic circle around it, and it can be found around a sculpture too. This is a dome that is lying over the altar or sculpture, that has to protect the special of the altar or sculpture from the usual outside. With the dedication of a church, a magic circle has been created by rituals that are done.
What is measurable at a site with a dolmen or burial mound?
- The first thing you can determine is if there is a cropcircle lying under it. All dolmens and burial mounds have been built on a cropcircle. This cropcircle can be found with a dowsing-rod or other instrument, and the shape of the circle can be determined too. You can also determine what type of cropcircle is lying here, when they builders built the dolmen or burial mound. See for the type of a cropcircle the page Types of cropcircles.
- The second thing you can determine is what part of the dolmen or burial mound has been built in what of the several periods the dolmen or burial mound has been built. It happens that a part of the dolmen has been built on at a later point in time. For a burial mound you can determine from what age it origins. Sometimes a burial mound has been thrown up or used in several periods of time. Also several physical features are possible. Did the burial mound have one, two or more rings of wooden stakes or was it a ring-rampart-burial-mound? In or under the burial mound people have been buried. This didn't happen in a dolmen. If it does happen that a dead person has been found in a burial mound, you should ask when the person died.

- The third thing you can find is a magic circle. This dome keeps the energy of the sacred place with the megalithic monument. When a dolmen or burial mound has been influenced very much by visitors of the site, it happens that a magic circle collapses. A dolmen with a stonecircle around it, does have the stonecircle standing on the magic circle. The wooden circle of stalks does also stand on the magic circle. When the burial mound is a ring-rampart-burial-mound, the ring-bank of the burial mound also lies on the magic circle. Mostly some other magic circles are around the monument.
- Most of the dolmens and all burial mounds do have a gate, what people used to enter monument. With most dolmens the gate can be found easily, because of the visible remains of the entrance. With the "gate" we mean the place where people got into the magic circle. The gate of a burial mound is possible not just one, but more. This is because the people used the strongest leyline fore their gate. When the strongest leyline wasn't the strongest anymore, the searched for the (now) strongest leyline.
- Another thing what can be determined is the strongest leyline. This leyline can be helpful to find the gate of the burial mound. The strongest leylines lies lengthwise in a dolmen, or through the gate of the dolmen (/magic circle). Not with the building of every megalithic monument people used the strongest leyline. Leylines normally go over the megalithic monuments, and not through them. This only when a dolmen or burial mound hasn't been influenced by visitors.
- In the (original) middle of a dolmen and burial mound always lies a benkerline or a benkercentre. There also lies a leycentre in the middle of the monument. In the original middle of a monument there always lies a magic square too. You can also determine if the monument is male or female, and if there are any spirals present, or that a x-line is present, or that there have been a cultus, and all the other energies that exist.