Energies & cropcircles
Cropcircles are mostly seen as geometrical shapes in crop and vegetation, but cropcircles are much more than that only. In reality the visible parts of a formation are only a fraction of what is actually happening in the fields. The patterns in the fields are only an side-issue compared with what cropcircles are about. More often, the largest part, cropcircles occur where nothing can be seen in the field, and there is only something happening energetically. Cropcircles have as goal to repair or restore and improve the situation of what is energetical present on a location. For example energylines that are troubled in flowing well, a lot of negative energy being present, or another disturbance at the site. There are a lot of causes of these disturbances, like high-voltage cables and overhead wires of trains, or the impact of a bomb in the war. This kind of disturbaces make life on this planet impossible if nothing is done about it. That is the reason why cropcircles occur and try to do something about it. There are cropcircles that clean the environment, others spread (healing) energy in the surroundings, and there are cropcircles which let blocked energylines flow again. The shape of the cropcircle sometimes give extra help, and the leylines are needed for the function of the cropcircle. The different types of functions cropcircles can have, are in a scheme on the page Types of cropcircles. In a cropcircle several energies are needed to make the function of the cropcircle possible, like leylines and benkerlines. Also energyspirals for the supply or mixture of energy are present, and magic circles are there to protects the energy that is inside from the energy that outside is and the other way round. This paragraph is a very short description of what the results are of our Project Cropcircle Energy. See for more about the Project Cropcircle Energy further on this page.
People who have been in a cropcircle do feel something sometimes. Most of the experiences are nice. People do feel the energy flow through their body or something else. They like it very much, it does do a person good. Other experiences are not so nice, people get sick or get a headache. These last formations do harm the health of people. These formations had better not be entered. Cropcircles do influence the state of mind of humans. Some people can get depressed and others get cheerful, which depends on the cropcircle.
The presumption that a real cropcircle always lies on a leycentre and a fake circle made by humans is not, is wrong. It is possible that humans put their cropcircle on a leycentre with full consciousness. Off course it is also possible that a cropcircle is put on a leycentre unaware. For a cropcircle much more is needed than only a leycentre!
Based on our research in the past years the table below with statistics.
genuine *
73 %
33 %
33 %
genuine *
0 %
0 %
0 %
* Genuine = not made by humans and no other simple explanation
Project Cropcircle Energy (PCE-project)
This project was about the energy that exists in cropcircles. Many people did feel something in these formations. Some of them became sick, or got pain in the stomach. Others felt a lovely energy in cropcircles, or felt the energy flow through the whole body. So many people feel much energy in these circles, this is something that can't be ignored. Besides the feelings people have in cropcircles, also diviners/dowsers do measure energy. Also magnetic disturbances were measured.
Some people think that there are just some leylines that explain the feelings of people, but this isn't correct completely. There are indeed leylines that something have to do with the energy in cropcircles, but that isn't the whole story. There is more to explore...
To start reading this page we recommend to start with the earliest cropcircles we investigated, which are at the bottom of the page.
With our research we have answered all the questions we had, and have completed and ended our research. Not all the results are mentioned on the page.
Investigated cropcircles
- Hoeven 1 2005 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
- Valkenburg 2004 (province Limburg, The Netherlands)
- Wijchen 2004 (province Gelderland, The Netherlands)
- Uppel 2004 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
- Ter Aalst 2003 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
- Kapelle 2003 (province Zeeland, The Netherlands)
Hoeven 1 in 2005 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
In the media this first cropcircle of the year was reported on April 6th 2005. The formation was in grass and had a large circle with ± 10 metres in diameter and small circle with ± 2 metres in diameter. The cropcircle was a type 3 and cleaned the area.
1) Round this cropcircle was a magic circle which was fed by energy that zigzagged and was taken from an energyline (leyline).
2) This magic circle on the edge of the largest laid-down circle was fed by energy that zigzagged and came from a spiral (going up + anticlockwise turning).
3) This magic circle on the edge of the smallest laid-down circle was fed by energy that zigzagged and was taken from an energyline (leyline).
4) This magic circle was fed by energy that zigzagged and came from a spiral (going up + anticlockwise turning).
5) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. This energy was zigzagging to the magic circle next to the middle of the largest laid down circle, here this energy was collected in this magic circle.
6) The collected energy in the magic circle went away trough a gate.
In 2004 12 cropcircles were found in the Netherlands and 5 in Belgium. Only in the Netherlands 4 real ones were found, those weren't made by humans. The authencity was in the Netherlands 33% and in the Benelux 24%.
The cropcircles that weren't made by humans were at:
- Hoeven 1: type 3 (prov. North-Brabant)
- Wijchen 1: type 2b (prov. Gelderland) (see below)
- Valkenburg: type 4 (prov. Limburg) (see below)
- Hoeven 2: type 3 (prov. North-Brabant)
Valkenburg 2004 (province Limburg, The Netherlands)
This formation had its origin on about June 6th, 2004. It was found in a wheatfield near Valkenburg aan de Geul. The five circles were laid down anticlockwise. The cropcircle caused a light headache. In the formation celmutations have been found: expanded knots. The circles were all authentic and had a diameter of about thirteen, ten, eight, seven and six metres. This cropcircle is a type 4 and has a informing function.
1) Around the whole of five circles was a large magic circle. This magic circle was fed by energy that zigzagged and was taken from an energyline (leyline). See inset.
2) This magic circle on the edge of the largest laid-down circle was fed by energy that zigzagged and was taken from an energyline (benkerline).
3) This magic circle on the edge of the laid-down crop was fed by energy that zigzagged and had its origin in a spiral (going up + anticlockwise turning).
4) This magic circle on the edge of the laid-down crop was fed by energy that zigzagged and was taken from an energyline (earlier mentioned benkerline).
5) This magic circle on the edge of the laid-down crop was fed by energy that zigzagged and had its origin in a spiral (going up + anticlockwise turning).
6) This magic circle on the edge of the laid-down crop was fed by energy that zigzagged and was taken from an energyline (hartmannline).
7) Through this magic square energy with information was received. This energy went by a zigzag to a magic circle, were it was stored.
8) This magic circle in what the energy was stored, was fed by energy that zigzagged and had its origin in a spiral (going up + anticlockwise turning).
9) From this magic circle energy was taken and zigzagged to the third laid-down circle.
10) The energy was mixed by three spirals (turning) and went with a zigzag to the point where the energy with information was pumped into the leylinenetwork of the planet.
Wijchen 2004 (province Gelderland, The Netherlands)
The cropcircle came into being on the 9th or 10th of June in a wheatfield near Wijchen and is discovered on Thursday morning. The crop was laid down clockwise. The formation was about 26 metres in diameter and had the shape of a wheel with spokes. Between the spokes a part of the crop was still standing up. The ring was about five metres wide and the spokes were about two metres wide. A large part of the corp was undamaged, but a part was trampled down by the visitors that went in earlier. The cropcircle was a type 2b, a positive cropcircle with a healing effect for the surrounding environment.
1) On about 1,5 or 2 metres from the border there was a magic circle. This magic circle was fed by energy that was zigzagging with its origin a anticlockwise upgoing spiral.
2) The magic circle on the edge of the laid down crop was fed by energy that was zigzagging with its origin a anticlockwise upgoing spiral.
3) A benkerline went through the cropcircle, of what energy was taken. This energy was zigzagging to a spot 10 metres away from where it was taken. Here the healing energy was spread in the environment.
4) In the picture are light-coloured lines, those are leylines. Most of them cross in the middle of the cropcircle. With two leylines (marked with nr. 4) something was going on, that occurs sometimes. The two leylines went over a part of the cropcircle, while they usually lie on the ground. Also the two leylines are very close to each other. On the place were they go in the air, and someone tries to follow the leyline with a dowsing-rod, the rod gives the deflection of a leyline that stops, and perhaps even turns around. But this was not the case!!! The part where the two leylines go over, is shown with a dotted line.
In 2003 15 cropcircles have been reported to several cropcircle-researchers. Some of these cropcircles we did visit and investigate. With the research in our hand we can say that at least 11 of the 15 cropcircles are certainly real. For the other cropcircles we weren't able to confirm this. In 2003 73 % of the Dutch cropcircles were real. In the 27 % are maybe more formations that are real. Also in Belgium in 2003 2 cropcircles had been found, these were manmade.
Other Dutch cropcircles of 2003 that are certainly genuine: Hoeven (1) (type unknown), Krimpen a/d Lek (type 2a), Oss (type unknown), Wilhelminaoord (1) (type 3), Wilhelminaoord (2) (type 3), and Brummen (type 3).
Uppel (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
This cropcircle had been laid down in a wheatfield near the village of Uppel. This is in the Land of Altena in the province Noord-Brabant. The formation exist only of one circle that had been laid down. The circle had a diameter of 9.4. Probably the cropcircle had been down here in the night of 21 to 22 (July). This cropcircle was a type 3 cropcircle: negative extraterrestrial create a cropcircle with a cleaning function. The reason why the cropcircle laid here was that the ground was very negative here. We noticed that the crop was very flat to the ground. The crop was laid down anticlockwise.
Three magic circles were present. At about one and a half meter of the formation there was a magic circle, this circle surrounded the group. At the border of the crop that had been laid down was also a magic circle. The third and little magic circle was next to the centre of the formation. In the centre of the cropcircle was a spiral (going outside + anticlockwise turning). This spiral made the crop fall down in an anticlockwise direction. In the centre of the circle was a leycentre with three leylines. In this formation there wasn't any energy flowing away, this was present in a cropcircle of Hoeven (also type 3). While we were visiting the cropcircle, many orbs were seen.
The black lines at the top of the pictures are tramlines.
1) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. Next, the energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the group, the outer magic circle. The magic circle was fed with this energy.
2) From only one energyline (leyline) energy was taken. This energy was zigzagging to the magic circle at the border of the crop that was laid down. The magic circle was fed with this energy.
3) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. This energy was zigzagging to the little magic circle next to the centre of the cropcircle. The magic circle was fed with this energy. The place were this spiral was we noticed many stems with a dark deposit.
4) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. This energy was zigzagging to the little magic circle, here this energy was collected in this magic circle.
5) When the energy was picked up by extraterrestrials, a zigzag went from the little magic circle to the point where the energy was taken away. We don't know how this 'taken away point' works.

Ter Aalst (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
With an earlier research near Ter Aalst I found out that there had been a cropcircle nearby. This cropcircle hasn't been there in this year, but many years ago. With this formation there wasn't any crop laid down, but there had been a form in ice. This formation contained only a ring.
"Laid down": a ring
Width ring: 0.5 meter
Diameter ring: 3.5 meter
Diameter largest magic circle: more than 6 meters
This type of cropcircle was a type 6 and doesn't exist anymore and it aren't made anymore. This type was made by extraterrestrials to let the energy drain off. There were only two magic circles present in this cropcircle. The first one was at the outer border of the ring. The second one was around the whole group.
1) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. Next, the energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the ring. The magic circle was fed with this energy.
2) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. Next, the energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the group. The magic circle was fed with this energy.
3) Another spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy that zigzagged to a gate. The energy was flowing off through the gate. The gate was supported by a magic circle (as gate).
4) A spiral (going inside + clockwise turning) collected energy that was used for the form in ice. The energy of the spiral went clockwise through the formation when the ring was created.
Kapelle 2003 (province Zeeland, The Netherlands)
The cropcircle was seen from the train from the railway-dike next to the field. A part of the wheat was already been harvested, and the part with the cropcircle was harvested on the day I visited the cropcircle. The cropcircle was laid down between July the 14th and the 23rd.
Laid down: three rings with in each ring a small circle
Diameter small circles: 2.5 to 3 meters
Width rings: ± 1.5 meters
Width between rings and small circles: ± 6 meters
Shortest distance between the rings: ± 3 meters
The three circles and the three rings were authentic. The direction of the rotation of the crop was anticlockwise in the small circles and clockwise in the rings. The cropcircle did not have the perfect round shape, but it seemed to be laid down playfully. This pointed to nature spirits. This cropcircle in this field was a type 1a: made by nature spirits to let the energy flow through. The blockade in the energylines was caused by three things *1: the radiation of the electricity cables above the railway; *2: the radiation of the high-voltage cables nearby; *3: the pipeline under the field.
In this formation 7 magic circles (for protection) were present: every small circle, the outer border of the rings, and around the whole formation. The energy that is going to the magic circles fed the magic circles. The curls in the pictures are spirals. Between the brackets are the names of the energylines.
After the harvest of the cropcircle, I was able to examine the soil for traces of silicium, this wasn't found anywhere in the formation. In this cropcircle, no disturbings in time were present. While I was visiting the cropcircle, I saw many orbs. These were seen while I was in a circle, they flew above the field and next to the stems in one of the small circles.
1) The spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area for the magic circle of the northern small circle. The energy was zigzagging between the spiral and the magic circle.
2) This spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area for the magic circle of the northern ring. The energy was zigzagging between the spiral and the magic circle.
3) In the southeastern small circle was an energyline (aragonal) present. From this line, energy was taken. This energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the southeastern ring.
4) The spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) at the southside of the formation collected energy from the surrounding area. This energy was zigzagging to the outer magic circle.
5) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) between the southwestern circle and ring collected energy. This energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the southwestern small circle.
6) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. Next this energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the southwestern ring.
7) In the northern small circle energy was taken from an energyline (benker). This energy was zigzagging shortly to a gate at the centre of this small circle. The energy was flowing off through the gate.
8) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. Next this energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of the southeastern circle.
9) Almost at the border of the southeastern circle a spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. This energy was zigzagging shortly to the centre of this circle. Here the energy was flowing away through a gate.
10) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) collected energy from the surrounding area. This energy was zigzagging to and around the energyline (curry). Because of this zigzag, the energyline was stimulated to flow. In the end the energy; that caused the flow in the line; merged into the energyline completely.
11) A spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) in the centre of the southeastern small circle collected energy. This energy was zigzagging around an energyline (leyline). Because of this zigzag, the energyline was stimulated to flow. The zigzagging around the energyline was up to two meters outside the small circle.
12) In the southwestern circle energy was taken from an energyline (benker). It is unknown what direction this line had. Next, the energy was zigzagging to a gate in the centre of the small circle. The energy was flowing off through the gate.
13) In the southwestern ring was a point of reference for the nature spirits, an earthgate was here. There was a leycentre with four leylines too.
14) This spiral (going inside + anticlockwise turning) was used, when the crop of the three small circles was laid down.
15) These spirals (going outside + anticlockwise turning) were used, when the crop of the rings was laid down. Every spiral had its own ring.

Standaardbuiten 2003 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
Not far from Hoeven, in the neighbourhood of Standaardbuiten came a new cropcircle in the week of April the 7th 2003. The formation was visited by us on Monday July 14th. This formation was in a wheatfield and consisted of a large circle against a small circle. Another small circle was in line with the other circles, but with space between the two small circles (±10 cm). This kind of cropcircle we hadn't visited before, because it was a type 2a; it means a positive cropcircle made by extraterrestrials and the circle let the energy flow through on the site.

All three circles were authentic. The direction of the rotation of the crop was anticlockwise in all circles and the direction of the rotation of the energy was also anticlockwise. But there were also rotations clockwise present (spirals). The energy of the cropcircle was scarcely present, but it certainly was positive energy. The strange thing was that far from the tramlines two parallel tracks were present, these tracks are marked on the ground plan with the number 1. These tracks of wheat lay below the other laid down wheat. So it has to be laid down before the cropcircle itself was laid down, probably some time before. Probably this happened by an ufo that was landing and/or was leaving behind some silicium. Over the cropcircle balls of light were seen. Over the field hung high-voltage cables.
Below are three ground plans of the cropcircle, with in it the energies found that had to do with the cropcircle. Three images have been used to keep it surveyable. Around every circle was a magic circle present and around the whole formation was another magic circle present, in the picture drawn in grey. Outside the cropcircle were also two parts that hadn't been laid down. These are left and right below the large circle. The curls in the pictures are spirals. Between the brackets are the names of the energylines.
1) Already explained above
2) In circle 1 energy was attracted (bundled) by a narrow rising, anticlockwise turning spiral. Then this energy went to circle 3 and zigzagged around the energyline (hartmann) to let the line flow through better. In the end the energy; that caused the flow in the line; merged into the energyline completely.
3) The part below the large circle on the rightside was like an 8. In the inner circle of the 8 (seen from the large circle) was a spiral (rising + anticlockwise turning). This spiral collected the energy, that continued in a zigzag to the border of circle 2. The magic circle was fed with this energy.
4) Through the outer circle of the 8-form went an energyline (curry). From this energyline energy was taken, that zigzagged to an another energyline (leyline). Around this energyline (leyline) the energy zigzagged. Because of this zigzag, the energyline was stimulated to flow. In the end the energy; that caused the flow in the line; merged into the energyline completely.
5) The form on the lower-left side of circle 3 had a little bit the shape of an oval. Here lay a spiral (rising + anticlockwise turning) that was collecting energy. This energy was zigzagging to the magic circle of circle 3. The magic circle was fed with this energy.
6) The spiral (rising + anticlockwise turning) in the centre of circle 3 collected energy, this energy was further zigzagging to the magic circle of the group (the outside magic circle).
7) Through circle 2 went an important energyline (leyline) along the border of circle 3. From this energyline energy was taken, this energy zigzagged to and around another energyline (aragonal). Because of this zigzag, the energyline was stimulated to flow. In the end the energy; that caused the flow in the line; merged into the energyline completely.
8) In circle 1 there was an energyline (pyeré) of what the direction hadn't been known. From this energyline energy was taken, that zigzagged to the centre of circle 1. There the energy disappeared through a gate.
9) A spiral (rising + anticlockwise turning) outside the largest magic circle collected energy, that made a zigzag to go to the magic circle of circle 1. The magic circle was fed with this energy.

Hoeven (3) 2003 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
Where two other cropcircles were laid down this year (till now), another cropcircle came in the same area in June. Originally there were five circles, after that two circles were made by humans. The circles 6 and 7 are fake! The cropcircle lay very close to high-voltage cables. In all circles of this formation the crop was laid down counterclockwise.
In this ground plan the circles 6 en 7 were made by humans. The circles 1, 2, 3, and 5 were negative (=damaging your health). Circle 4 was neutral and felt fine. Circles 1 and 2 attracted energy from the surroundings. The first one attracted energy that was saved in the large circle. In the second circle energy was attracted to keep the process running. Circle 3 was a stranger in the formation. This circle didn't attract energy. It flowed away some energy. On this place an ufo will pick up the energy or the energy is drained off by a gate. The draining off happened here continuous with a small part of the energy. Circle 4 is the neutral circle. In this circle healing energy is collected and this was spread in the surrounding area. The large circle itself was a storage for the negative energy, that was collected in the first circle.
The formation had a cleaning task, with a specific function for the fourth circle for the healing energy.

Hoeven (2) 2003 (province Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands)
The crop was laid down in the night of Thursday to Friday (June 12-13 2003) in the neighbourhood of Hoeven in the south of The Netherlands. In the evening of Thursday the farmer hadn't seen it and on Friday the cropcircle laid in the wheatfield. The cropcircle had one large circle with a diameter of about 20 meters and two small circles of about 1,5 meters. See the ground plan below. The grey lines are tramlines.
The cropcircle was a type 3 from the cropcircle diagram, a negative cropcircle. This was perceptible from the road. The function of this cropcircle was to clean the ground.
Energy from the small circles was going to the large circle. Here energy was energy collected and saved. In last year's cropcircle (also in the neighbourhood of Hoeven) a sloping disc was found, in what the energy was saved. Such disc wasn't found in this cropcircle. The small circles took negative energy from the ground and from the air in itself, the aura of the field was absorbed. A part of this energy was transported to the large circle and a part was used to keep the process of the cropcircle running. This cropcircle was a cleaning machine, a kind of vacuum cleaner, that sucks the negative energy up. After some time, the machine will be emptied by extraterrestrials (ufo), they use the large circle to pick up the energy.
Above: how the cropcircle works as vacuum cleaner
Left: ground plan of the cropcircle