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[in Nederlands]
What is dowsing?
Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope and power of the standard human physical senses of sight, sound, touch, etc. This is possible using tools, the body or using intuition or paranormal abilities / the human ~body  (=deviceless dowsing). Dowsing with a pendulum, rod or other instrument is a type of divination, what is perceiving/having knowledge of the hidden and comes from the subconsciousness of a person.

Dowsing is often used for the search for hidden things like water or metals. The search for water (with especially a dowsing rod) is also called 'water witching'. Nowadays it is often used for tracking down leylines and earth rays. Dowsing is an ancient art. It has been used in Egypt, and also with making the choose where the sanctuary had to come.

Other words for dowsing are: divining or divination, rhabdomancy, doodlebugging, and radiesthesia. The French use the word sourcier for finding the invisible (origin: finding water). Someone who is practicing this ancient art, is called a dowser or a diviner.

Dowsing with an instrument can be done in several ways. The four most known possibilities are: a dowsing-rod (L-rod and Y-rod), a pendulum, a lecherantenne, and a bobber/biotensor. Besides an instrument, the muscles of the body can be used too to obtain answers. This is called manual muscle testing, muscle dowsing or kinesiology. For both working with an instrument as muscle testing, it is advisable to follow a course.

It is also possible to dowse by using intuition or paranormal abilities (inner senses). Some people can see leylines running across the surface. Others can see that more energy is present at specific locations.
Some people are a clairsentient. This means that they got answers inside themselves about certain subjects with knowing that it is true. They do have the feeling that it certainly is true, but they can't explain it rationally. They only have to ask themselves a question, and an answer comes in. This also can be called 'paranormal knowing' or 'inner knowing'. With this inner knowing the are able to know where leylines run across the surface of our planet.
Much more people can feel energies. They find it nice on some places, but elsewhere it doesn't feel well for them, and move elsewhere. Other people are more conscious about the feeling they have. They can sense feelings and emotions of other people. With this inner feeling they can sense leylines too. More information can be found on the page Paranormal.

  What is dowsing?   |   Instruments general   |   Dowsing-rod   |   Pendulum   |   Lecher aerial   |   Bobber   |   Muscletest

Instruments general
The working with an dowsing-rod and pendulum is called radiesthesia; a word that comes from the combination of the Latin 'radius' (= ray) and the Greek 'aisthesis' (= perceive).
In different ways energies can be measured. This can with a instrument of with your own feeling (inner senses or paranormal abilities). The several possibilities for instruments are a dowsing-rod, a pendulum, a lecher-aerial and a bobber/biotensor.

A dowsing-rod, pendulum, lecher-aerial and bobber all work similar. The instruments do work as an aerial that receives signals. The instrument is an extension of the subconscious. The human himself is an aerial too when energies are noticed. The person who is measuring is the measurement instrument, in better words feel-instrument, and the instrument itself is the pointer. For most instruments some experience is necessary to measure well. Before you can work with an instrument, you have to relaxed, empty and concentrated. It is very important to screen (protect) yourself, or you can get sick by the energies.

Outcome of a dowsing-rod or other instrument can never be enforced, then you get a wrong answer. Any effort to force the instrument to move useless. Only one way is the nice way: 'just let it happen'. If you want to find something with a strong will, you will find. So you can find many leylines that aren't there. It is important that you ask the question neutral, and do not want that there is a leyline, but you let it open if any leyline is there. So do try not to have any expectations. Just try to perceive if anything is there.

Please take care you ask the question right. When you use a pendulum (or other instrument) for testing, you can measure on several ways, several scales. Examples are the Bovis-scale and another is the scale in percentages. With both the bovis-scale as the scale in percentages you can measure the value of for example food. With the determination of the value (of for example vegetable) it is necessary to measure both the general value and the value if a vegetable is good for someone personal: the personal value. This value is different for each person, because each person is different.

Every human is different. Not everyone is ready for working with an instrument and the specific instrument has to fit with a person. Every person has a filter, through this filter all the paranormal (inner senses) goes, but also the working with the instruments. How more the filter is pure, how better and precise the answers you get will be. The filter can get turbid by waste products of your body and also other factors do influence.

With excursions it appeared that there always are some people who can't or don't want to dowse.

  What is dowsing?   |   Instruments general   |   Dowsing-rod   |   Pendulum   |   Lecher aerial   |   Bobber  |   Muscletest

The Dowsing-rod
In Europe dowsing-rods are known for a very long time. In the 13th century this phenomenon is mentioned, and in England the dowsing-rod has been juiced often in the mining industry. In all probability these instruments are much older, and date even back to earlier ages, maybe from before the Flood. From those ages it is hand over from father to son, and further. Because of the size of the dowsing-rod it is ideal for use in large-scale. Especially with excavations the dowsing-rod was an important instrument. Also with the location of wells, the dowsing-rod often offers good offices. According to priest and physicist P. Vallemont (1649-1721) the dowsing-rod was 'a natural compensation for humans for their lost instinct to find water, vital condition number one'. (Source: home.worldonline.nl/~caros/) Working with a dowsing-rod or divining-rod is also called 'working the twig', 'rod-dowsing', and 'rod-divination'.

The dowsing-rod is called in other countries wünschelrute or zauberrute (Deutsch), wichelroede (Dutch) or la baguette (French).

There are three of four types of dowsing rods. The most familiar one is the "everybody's rod" (L-rod or angle-rod). Other dowsing-rods are the V-rod, the loop-rod, and the hartmann-rod (or spiral-aerial). Below here the several dowsing-rods are considered for each rod individually.

The 'everybody's rod' (L-shaped or angle-rod)

This dowsing-rod is used most, because this is the easiest instrument to perceive energies. This is why the instrument is also used many times with excursions.

The shape of the dowsing-rod looks like the letter L. Mostly a metal bar is used with a length of 40 till 50 centimetres, bent at 10 or 12 centimetres. The longest end is between 30 and 40 centimetres. Also other, deviant sizes exist. The materials a dowsing-rod can be made of are copper, brass, welding rod, and coppered steal. These last two would get magnetic after some
time. The disadvantage of copper is that it can be bent easily. The flexibility is also dependent on the thickness. The welding rod used for making a dowsing rod had a thickness of 2 millimetres, and the brass was 1.5 millimetres thick. Except for the mentioned materials a dowsing-rod can be made with many other materials. The most advised material is brass.

This type dowsing-rod exist of two bent metal bars L-shaped. You take the rod in both hands, the shortest legs with the hands. The upper arms on the body. The forearms ahead horizontally. The distance between both arms should be the length of a rod. Take the rod in your hands in a way they can still turn. Now it is the trick to get in mind what you want to measure. The easiest example is a leyline. You keep the word "leyline" in mind, while you are walking ten metres in a straight line. If you reach a point where a leyline runs, the rod will cross. Repeat this a few times to get the feeling for this, and to get the deflection of the rod. It happens many times that people do not get a deflection the first time they try it, just try the same ten metres again, until it works.

When you are a natural at it, you can ask your rod to move in a way you want him to move when you find something. Most of the times a turn inside is used for 'yes' and a turn outside for 'no', but that isn't necessary. For example, if you want to see the difference between negative and positive leylines, you ask the rod to go outward with negative leylines, and inward with positive leylines. So there are many possibilities.

The major part of the people can handle the dowsing after some exercise. This is the easiest instrument of radiesthesia.
This instrument can be used the best for finding energies on a site, for example a sanctuary. Except for the 'yes' and 'no' the instrument can give, it can also show easily a direction. This is more difficult with other instruments.

The V-shaped of Y-shaped dowsing-rod

This type of dowsing-rod would be the oldest rod. This type is also shown on several old pictures from past centuries. Then a branch of a hazel or a willow was used for dowsing with a rod. Other names for this rod are a gaff-rod (?), forked stick and a 'forked branch'.

This dowsing-rod has the shape of a 'V' or a 'Y' (V with extension). This type has the shape of a 'V' when it is made of two elastic synthetic rods, that are attached to each other at one end. When the dowsing-rod is without tension the rods are straight and up against each other. But when the instrument is used the rods are pulled out. Then it looks like the picture at the left. Both bars do have a length of approximately 60 centimetres. The dowsing-rod has the shape of a 'Y' when wood is used as material for the rod (forked branch). Of course other materials can be used too.

You hold the this dowsing-rod at the two ends (on the picture: at the bottom) and with the wooden rod at the fork of the forked branch. Keep your palm of the hands up, with the thumbs outward. The upper arms on the body. The forearms ahead horizontally. The rod is hold bowed (like the picture above), so there is a tension on the rod. Such tension that the rod doesn't break.
Now it is the trick to get in mind what you want to measure. The easiest example is a leyline. You keep the word "leyline" in mind, while you are walking ten metres in a straight line. If you reach a point where a leyline runs, the rod will go up or downward. Repeat this a few times to get the feeling for this, and to get the deflection of the rod. It happens many times that people do not get a deflection the first time they try it, just try the same ten metres again, until it works.

This dowsing-rod can be used the best for finding leylines and other energylines. This rod is used many times to find water and minerals. For this type dowsing-rod it is more difficult to show a direction.

The loop-rod

This type looks very much like the V-shaped or the Y-shaped dowsing-rod. The loop-rod isn't used much.

On the place where it crosses, aren't they stick together, but are free from each other. The material it is made of can be a branch of a hazel or a willow. Also copper can be the material of this dowsing-rod. Of course other materials are possible too. The picture shows a rod with one loop, but two loops are possible too.

You hold the this dowsing-rod at the two ends (on the picture: at the bottom) and with the wooden rod at the fork of the forked branch. Keep your palm of the hands up, with the thumbs outward. The upper arms on the body. The forearms ahead horizontally. The rod is hold bowed (like the picture above), so there is a tension on the rod. Such tension that the rod doesn't break.
Now it is the trick to get in mind what you want to measure. The easiest example is a leyline. You keep the word "leyline" in mind, while you are walking ten metres in a straight line. If you reach a point where a leyline runs, the rod will go up or downward. Repeat this a few times to get the feeling for this, and to get the deflection of the rod. It happens many times that people do not get a deflection the first time they try it, just try the same ten metres again, until it works.

Just like the V-rod this rod can be used very well for finding leylines and other energylines. This rod can be used very well to find water and minerals. For this type dowsing-rod it is more difficult to show a direction too.

The hartmann-rod or spiral-aerial

In the book Disturbing fields in our house (Spanish: Vivir en casa sana) of Mariano Brueno, the hartmann-rod or spiral aerial is mentioned (the left picture below). On a German website I found the hartmann-rod shown at the right. As the picture shows, you have to keep this rod vertical between your forefingers.


We know too little about it to give a description.
(Photo of hartmann-rod: www.geobiologie.de/Rutenkunde.htm)

  What is dowsing?   |   Instruments general   |   Dowsing-rod   |   Pendulum   |   Lecher aerial   |   Bobber  |   Muscletest

The Pendulum
In ancient Egypt the use of the pendulum had become current. In these days it is still being used, for example in the countries of the former Soviet Union. With the search for oil, not hundred holes are drilled in the ground, but they ask a person with a pendulum to tell them were they have to drill.

A pendulum exists of two parts; the part that hangs and the part what it let hang. That what hangs is mostly a crystal or metal object. Basically 'everything' can be used as a pendulum. The second part is on what the crystal hangs. This can be a little chain, a thread, or a string, it doesn't matter. The length that is used most is between 10 and 20 centimetres.
Often a card is used to work with the pendulum. This card has (half) a circle on it with a partition in percentages, letters or a clock. A line that runs from the middle to the edge can be taken for 100 % or 0 %. With this partition you can get an answer that is more precise.

You can ask the pendulum to react in a certain way. If you want the answer 'yes' or 'no' to a question, you can ask to turn anticlockwise with yes and clockwise with no. Another way is to let the pendulum swing from left to right (yes) or up and down (no). There are many other possibilities too for letting the pendulum move.

The person that works with the pendulum has to be relaxed and take a relaxed position with the body. You take the chain between the thumb and the forefinger, so there is enough space for letting the crystal move freely. Keep the hand still above the card or the place where you want to measure. If you want to know where a leyline is, keep the pendulum above the point and the pendulum will move for yes or no. To get a good answer, you have to think of the question only. Further you need to be empty and relaxed.

The pendulum is an instrument that can be used for everything, but the best thing it can be used for is answering questions, testing values, and search on a map (= map-dowsing).

  What is dowsing?   |   Instruments general   |   Dowsing-rod   |   Pendulum   |   Lecher aerial   |   Bobber  |   Muscletest

The Lecher-aerial
The Austrian physicist Ernst Lecher (1856-1926) developed an electric conducting system, it exists of two parallel wires which can conduct electromagnetic waves. This invention is practiced in the television-roof aerial, which exist in a loop, that is connected with two wires to a television-set.
The lecher-aerial is working in the same way, however the roof aerial is attuned to a permanent signal frequency. The lecher-aerial can be adjusted by a little slide on which you can chose all kinds of frequencies. The tuning-loop is variable, through which you can decide what frequency can be received.

At the left is a simple aerial. There are all kind of lecher-aerials, and they all have been based on the same principle. The vertical part is made of synthetic with on it a ruler one can adjust with the little slide. On the left- and rightside there are two rods of metal. These are connected with each other by the loop inside the synthetic. The magnet in the aerial provides the polarity.

To hold the aerial, the best used position is the upper arms against the body and the for arms straight ahead. The aerial is hold at the two metal rods with the palms of the hands up. The vertical part is straight up in the air.

(Photo of a lecher-aerial: www.felixheinz.ch/mess.htm)

Before the lecher-aerial can be used, (most of the times) the slide must be adjusted on the frequency on which you want to measure, for instance on the large intestine. Every organ has his own frequency, and also the several energylines have their own frequency. This frequency is adjusted with the slide on the ruler.
If you for example want to determine the quality of health of an organ you have to search for an particular point, for instance the back of the hand or the knee. This point is corresponding with the adjusted value on the ruler of the lecher-aerial and is corresponding with the large intestine. At the moment you reach the point the aerial swings over. Then you can determine the health of an organ. This you do by going over this point until the aerial stops. The number of times indicates the health of that organ. Now you turn round the magnetic in the aerial, this will turn round the polarity. And the test will be repeated. In this way you get two values with the right and left polarity. Next these two values are compared with the values of an organ in balance.
You can both test a human and an animal. It can be warmly recommended to learn the working with the lecher-aerial by taking a course, and not just try it on your own.

Also leylines and other energylines can be measured with this instrument. It can be measured above the particular point, after the frequency of the line is adjusted on the ruler.
The lecher-aerial is an instrument you can use for almost anything, but the best way is to use and measure the health of people and animals. The lecher-aerial is often used with suppressing of places, and further it can be used to test food. It is necessary to practice frequently with the lecher-aerial so you don't forget how to work with. In general people have less trouble with the lecher-aerial than with a pendulum or dowsing-rod.

  What is dowsing?   |   Instruments general   |   Dowsing-rod   |   Pendulum   |   Lecher aerial   |   Bobber  |   Muscletest

The bobber or biotensor (sometimes: biosensor, aura meter or wand)
The bobber would have its origin in ancient Egypt, when the pyramids were built.

The bobber exists of a handle that lies well in the hand, this can be made of metal, wood, or synthetic. In this handle a long, strong thread of metal or synthetic with a length of 10 to approximately 45 centimetres. A kind of a little spring can be between the handle and the thread. This will prevent that the thread breaks when it is used.
At the end of this 'thread' is a 'knob', this can be as flat as a coin with a upper- and underside. One side is even and the other has a rib. In such case there is a positive and negative side. A man will use the side with the rib up, and a woman will use the even side up.
The 'head' can be spherical with on this a cross, and when it is gilded it would be more sensitive because of the high frequency gold has. When you work for a while with the instrument, you will notice the differences, and which type fits the best with you, this is different for each person.
The difference in length does matter when you want to take the bobber with you. A bobber that fits in your inside pocket is easier to take with than a bobber of 45 centimetres. Besides this, there isn't any difference is use.

You have to ask the bobber to move vertical for 'yes' and horizontal for 'no'. To hold the bobber in your hand, you put the handle in your hand and close your hand lightly, without forced pressure. Keep your hand still and make your head empty, free of thoughts, but especially free of expectations. Let surprise you what the bobber tells you.

The bobber can be used to make one's diagnosis, to determine if an organ or chakra or meridian doesn't function optimal for an human or animal. There are many ways to test an organ, for example to touch an organ at a so-called 'alarm-point', this is a meridianpoint what corresponds with the organ. For example the point of the heart isn't on the heart (leftside of the body), but in the middle at the same height as the heart. You can also use Mudras, these are shapes you make with the hand with the thumb and the forefinger on them, or with the thumb and the middle finger, and so on. Here you make a connection between the meridians through what you get insight in functioning of systems in the body, like the structure (bones) or the hormone-system, and so on. Also therapists can use the bobber well. Pain can be reduced by holding the bobber, give attention to the point the pain is, and the bobber will turn anticlockwise or clockwise. This can be done remotely too. We assume that healthy living beings show a clockwise turn. The energy will flow through again, the blockade is gone. The complaint must not be more difficult than that, a broken leg cannot be fixed with this.

Source for bobber: Annelies Nuver (She gives courses in working with the bobber.)

See for an image: www.britishdowsers.org/services_4f.html

  What is dowsing?   |   Instruments general   |   Dowsing-rod   |   Pendulum   |   Lecher aerial   |   Bobber   |   Muscletest

Manual muscle testing / muscle dowsing / deviceless dowsing / kinesiology

With using manual muscle testing or kinesiology people get an answer without an instrument.

Kinesiology means 'The principles of movement', and with this method muscle testing is used to examine where, why and when the balance in the body is disturbed, and at the same time how this balance can be recovered. The discoverer of this method, Mr. Goodheart, concluded that muscles react with changes in tension on stress and diseases. With muscle testing one particular muscle of a person is isolated by taking a particular position. This can be for example the arm which is held outstretched horizontality. Someone else presses softly on the arm to see if the muscle has energy enough to withstand the pressure. If the muscle can't withstand the pressure, there is an imbalance. The reason for this imbalance can be several forms of stress. (Source: Stichting Kinesiologisch Netwerk Nederland - www.ki-net.nl)

Another method is with the fingers. With the thumb and indexfinger of both hands you make a circle (loop), with what both circles are in each other. Make sure that the finger tips are hold against each other, every thumb against the indexfinger from the same hand. Next you ask a question which can be answered with 'yes' or 'no'. And then you try to hold the two circles in each other, while you try to pull them out. When the answer is 'yes' the two circles will stay in each other. If the answer is 'no' the two circles will not be in each other anymore. With the 'yes'-answer there is a strong energy present, while there is a stressful weak energy present with the 'no'-answer. Make sure with questions you know the answer about, that it works well for you!

If people want to use muscle testing in a professional way, it is advisable to follow a course. For more information about kinesiology go to the website: www.icak.com (or search the internet).