What is clairsentience or paranormal knowing?
Other names: being a clairsentient, clair knowing, clair sensing, psychic knowing, having a knowing, (sometimes:) inner knowing
Clairsentience is used both for paranormal feeling and paranormal knowing. With paranormal knowing, the person gets through an answer. With this answer he got the feeling / knowing to be absolutely sure the answer is correct, without being able to give a rational explanation. The (clair)knowing perhaps seems to come from nowhere, it doesn't come from a feeling or intuition, but comes from "nowhere" so it seems. When a person is pure and doesn't influence the answers, he gets objective answers. But impurity or influencing can deform the answers. A person with clairsentience abilities doesn't get the answer from his/herself, but from a cosmic source of information. The things the person gets through aren't words or images at first, but is a universal energy that the person in case translates to his/her world in his/her language of images. The translation happens without thinking of the person and happens automatically, unless there isn't any word for it or can't be imagined. When there do exist words for (with the right nuances) or there exist images in what it can be translated, the person gets this through before he thinks about it the answer or what the answer might be. Often during phrasing the question the answer already gets through.
But a clairsentient does (almost always) also have restrictions. Questions that almost nobody is able to ask (because of their own development they aren't ready for it yet) are for example about the Grail.
What possibilities do exist?
· In "words"
· In "images"
· In "words"
Like is written above, a person doesn't get the words through, but an universal language that is translated to one's own language. This universal language is a language everyone can understand. When a person has developed the paranormal knowing, he should be able to see the nuances that make answers that look the same a little different. A yes/no question can be answered very easy. It isn't always possible to translate the universal energy to someone's language, because there isn't always a word for. Then a description instead of a word is the answer.
· In "images"
That what a person gets through is the same universal language. Only this time it is translated in images. About this ability isn't much known.